  • any measurable or observable characteristic related to the objective measurement of the surface pressure at the air-water interface when proteins in the nutritive and protective gelatinous substance surrounding egg yolk adsorb on it, typically measured by Wilhelmy plate method or oscillatory drop tensiometer method (fr)
  • any measurable or observable characteristic related to the objective measurement of the surface pressure at the air-water interface when proteins in the nutritive and protective gelatinous substance surrounding egg yolk adsorb on it, typically measured by Wilhelmy plate method or oscillatory drop tensiometer method (en)
  • - (xsd:string)
  • egg albumen surface pressure (fr)
  • egg albumen surface pressure (en)
  • INRA:PHASE "INRA PHASE" (xsd:string)
  • ChickenPresent (xsd:string)
  • DuckPresent (xsd:string)
  • GoosePresent (xsd:string)
  • QuailPresent (xsd:string)
  • TurkeyPresent (xsd:string)