  • relocalisation de l'agriculture (fr)
  • The re-localization of agriculture is the rapprochement between producers and consumers. In this context, the root “local” in “re-localization” is synonymous with “proximity”. The re-localization of agriculture favours short food supply chains in order to promote farmers’ economic autonomy. Therefore, the major part of the production profit goes to the farmer thanks to the suppression of many intermediaries. In addition to production, the farmer can carry out all or part of the processing and marketing, within the territory where the final product will be consumed. A reinvestment of the added value in the territory is therefore possible with agricultural projects or citizens, for instance with the creation of producers’ shops. This enables a reinforcement of the viability of farms and local businesses, a boost of the municipalities and an increase of the territories’ attractiveness. The reconciliation of “cities” and “countryside” enabled by relocation increases production transparency towards consumers and the creation of a strong farmer-consumer social fabric... [Dictionary of agroecology :] (en)
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  • circuit court (fr)